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Frieza Closes In! Mighty Porunga, Grant Our Wish!

激昂フリーザが迫る! ポルンガよ...願いを叶えたまえ!

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Krillin and Gohan discover that although the Namekian Dragon Balls can grant three wishes, they can resurrect only one person per wish, unlike the Earth's Dragon Balls. After consulting with their dead friends via King Kai's telepathic abilities, they use the first wish to revive Piccolo, which also brings Kami and the Earth's Dragon Balls back. They then use the second wish to teleport Piccolo to Namek so he can assist them in their fight with Frieza, but they are not specific enough in their wish; as a result, Piccolo is indeed transported to Namek, but ends up quite a distance away from his friends and the imminent battle with Frieza. At this point, Vegeta awakens and learns he's been duped, and speeds angrily to where Porunga is hovering over Namek. He is about to attack Krillin and Gohan until they tell him there is still one wish left; after some debate, they decide to let Vegeta use the wish to become immortal, as it seems to be the only possible way to defeat Frieza. Dende speaks the wish, but just before it can be granted, the Grand Elder dies and the Namekian Dragon Balls become useless; Porunga disintegrates and the balls turn into plain stone. Just as Vegeta thinks his luck couldn't get any worse, Frieza finally arrives, and is not happy at all that his own plans for immortality have been thwarted.

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