Midlife Crisis

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Known Movies:
First Movie:
Lolita (1962)
Highest Rated Movie:
Lolita (8.25)
Average Quality:


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    Midlife Crisis
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Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
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Top movies

1. 8.25
2. 7.67
3. 7.33
4. American Beauty (1999) 7.33
5. Mondays in the Sun (2002) 6.70
6. City Slickers (1991) 6.67
7. Broken Flowers (2005) 6.65
8. Lost in Translation (2003) 6.50
9. Liebesleben (2007) 6.33
10. In Good Company (2004) 6.25
11. Heartbreak Hotel (2006) 6.00
12. Mado (1976) 6.00
13. Vollidiot (2007) 5.40
14. Wild Hogs (2007) 5.00
15. The Matador (2005) 5.00
16. Hustle & Flow (2005) 4.67
17. Father of the Bride Part II (1995) 3.75
18. Sex and the City 2 (2010) 3.67
19. Appetite (1998) 2.75

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