Columbia TriStar

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Company Facts

Known Movies:
21 since 1935
First Movie:
Highest Rated Movie:
Venom (7.14)
Average Quality:


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also known as

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    Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group
Company created by:
Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
Company last edited by:

Top movies

1. 7.14
2. 7.09
3. 6.88
4. The Net (1995) 6.73
5. Snatch (2000) 6.72
6. The Running Man (1987) 6.67
7. Starship Troopers (1997) 6.34
8. Hook (1991) 6.14
9. Cruel Intentions 2 (2001) 4.75

Movies per year

Movies per year

Quality per year

Quality per year