New Crew Member
To add somebody to the crew search for the person's name and select him/her from the drop down list.
If you can't find the person in the list you can create him/her by selecting the last entry.
Next, search for the person's job and select it from the drop down list. Finish by clicking Ok.
You can also assign a crew member to a season and inherit him/her to all episodes. This way you don't have to add the crew member to each episode.
To do so, change to DC's Legends of Tomorrow > Season 2 (2016-2017) and edit the crew there.
- as Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash
- as Dr. Martin Stein / Firestorm
- as Ray Palmer / Atom
- as Amaya Jiwe / Vixen
- as Sara Lance / White Canary
- as Gideon (Voice)
- as Jefferson Jackson / Firestorm
- as Nate Heywood
- as Mick Rory / Heat Wave
- as Rex Tyler / Hourman
- as Baron Krieger
- as Commander Steel
- as Stargirl
- as Dr. Mid-Nite
- as Obsidian
- as General Gerd Von Runstedt
- as Nazi #1