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Awaken, Legendary Warrior! Goku the Super Saiyan!

目覚めろ伝説の戦士... 超サイヤ人、孫悟空!

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Gohan and Krillin attack Frieza, saving Piccolo from death. Then, an enraged Frieza decides to destroy the entire planet and begins charging a Death Ball. Goku completes the Spirit Bomb and hurls it down upon Frieza, which also absorbs Frieza's charging Death Ball. The tyrant manages to catch the Spirit Bomb, but is unable to stop it from pushing him into the ocean, before exploding on him. The Z Fighters celebrate their apparent victory and start making plans to return to Earth. However, Frieza reappears and, though badly injured by the Spirit Bomb, he is still powerful enough to take them all out. Frieza fires his Death Beam straight at Goku, but Piccolo jumps in the way and takes the beam to the chest, which knocks him unconscious. Frieza next sets his sights on Krillin and causes Krillin's body to explode from the inside, killing him. Enraged by these sacrifices, Goku undergoes a radical transformation in which his eyes turn from black to green, his black hair turns blonde, and his body is surrounded by an aura of golden light, becoming a Super Saiyan. With his powers now greatly enhanced, Goku orders Gohan to take Piccolo to his spaceship, find Bulma, and leave Namek, while he stays behind to handle Frieza.

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