image Sonja Rankl

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2009-06-11 14:26Shrinkcreated Shrink
2009-06-11 13:09Kevin Spaceyalias Kevin Matthew Fowler
2009-06-11 13:06Kevin Spaceychanged abstract (view diff)
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2009-06-11 12:34Blue Carcreated abstract
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2009-06-11 12:25Blue CarCategory Literature Competition
2009-06-11 12:25Blue CarCategory Competition
2009-06-11 12:25Blue CarCategory Poetry
2009-06-11 12:24Blue CarCategory Familienstreit
2009-06-11 12:24Blue CarCategory Loss of Family
2009-06-11 12:24Blue CarCategory Sister
2009-06-11 12:24Blue CarCategory Father
2009-06-11 12:24Blue CarCategory Siblings
2009-06-11 12:24Blue CarCategory Divorced Parents
2009-06-11 12:23Blue CarCategory Single Mother
2009-06-11 12:23Blue CarCategory Mentor
2009-06-11 12:22Blue Cardeleted category
2009-06-11 12:22Blue CarLanguage English
2009-06-11 12:22Blue CarCategory Coming Of Age
2009-06-11 12:21Blue Carrelease date set to 2003-05-02
2009-06-11 12:19Blue Carchanged Runtime from 0 to 96
2009-06-11 12:18Blue CarA.J. Buckley as Actor
2009-06-11 12:17Blue CarMargaret Colin as Actor
2009-06-11 12:17Blue CarFrances Fisher as Actor
2009-06-11 12:16Blue CarDavid Strathairn as Actor
2009-06-11 12:16Blue CarAgnes Bruckner as Actor
2009-06-11 12:15Blue CarKaren Moncrieff as Screenplay
2009-06-11 12:15Blue CarKaren Moncrieff as Director
2009-06-11 12:15Karen Moncrieffcreated Karen Moncrieff