Death Machine


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2019-01-12 16:51changed external link to
2017-04-21 05:48John de Borman as Director of Photography
om0982374847 (contribs)2016-10-13 17:54changed external link to
Anonymous QfMxntBMJXo VJGofWPGzhQ2014-09-27 23:00created abstract
Add abstract from
uzi (contribs)2009-12-05 08:36Stephen Norrington as Screenplay
Stephen Norrington as Director
Batzman (contribs)2009-07-09 14:57Category Invention
deleted category
Category Creature
Category Biological Weapon
2009-07-09 14:56Category Immediate Future
Category United States of America
Category England
2009-07-09 14:55Category Rough
Category Funny
Category Exciting
Category Popcorn Movie
Category Cult Movie
Category Science Fiction
Anonymous XEKeU7VUKCh 9Z7TFWct4ow2009-07-01 13:57Category Genius
Category Genius and Madman
Category Sociopath
2009-07-01 13:56Category Maniac
Category Man versus Machine
deleted category
deleted category
deleted category
Category Bomb Explosion
2009-07-01 13:55Category Experiment with Human Beings
Category Failed Experiment
Category Military
Category Self Sacrifice
deleted category
2009-07-01 13:54Category Escape
Category Murder
Category Artificial Intelligence
Category Hightech
Category Elevator
2009-07-01 13:53Category Skyscraper
Category Fall from Skyscraper