Albert Lieven


16 movies since 1936


1965 - The Avengers > Season 4 - Emma Peel > A Surfeit of H2O (Dr. Sturm)
- City of Fear (Paul)
1964 - Traitor's Gate (Trayne)
1963 - Death Drums Along the River (Dr. Weiss)
- The Victors (Herr Metzger)
1962 - The Devil's Agent (Inspector Huebring)
- Freddy and the Song of the South Pacific (Siebzehnstern)
1961 - The Devil's Daffodil (Raymond Lyne)
- Frau Irene Besser (Dr. Werther)
1960 - Brainwashed (Hartmann)
1959 - Subway in the Sky (Carl)
1953 - The Rose of Stamboul (Achmed Bey)
1948 - Sleeping Car to Trieste (Zurta)
1945 - The Seventh Veil (Maxwell Leyden)
1943 - The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (von Ritter)
1936 - Carnival in Flanders (Johann Brueghel)