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Goku's Final Attack! Countdown to Planet Namek's Destruction!

孫悟空、最後の一撃... ナメック星宇宙に散る

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On Earth, the Grand Elder dies a second time, but before his death, he gives his power to Moori, one of his eldest sons. This makes him the new Grand Elder, thereby preserving the power of the Namekian Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, on Namek, the dying Frieza begs for mercy from Goku. Despite his better judgement, Goku cannot ignore Frieza's pleas for help and gives the tyrant some of his own ki before departing. However, Frieza lets his pride get the better of him and unleashes one final ki blast at Goku, attempting to kill him, but the angered Super Saiyan easily repels the blast right back at the tyrant and seemingly destroys Frieza in the process. Goku then attempts to escape in Frieza's spaceship, but is unable to make it take off, due to the damage from Vegeta's earlier attack when he was stealing the Namekian Dragon Balls from Frieza. Namek finally explodes and it appears that Goku perished along with the planet.

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