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Known Movies:
First Movie:
The Wheel (1923)
Highest Rated Movie:
Rendition (8.67)
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    Loss Of Son
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    Verlust des Sohnes
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Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
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Top movies

1. 8.67
2. 8.31
3. 8.30
4. Jacob's Ladder (1990) 8.25
5. Klopka (2007) 8.00
6. The Wheel (1923) 8.00
7. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) 7.83
8. The Crow: City of Angels (1996) 7.75
9. In the Bedroom (2001) 7.75
10. In America (2002) 7.67
11. This Man Must Die (1969) 7.67
12. Mother (2009) 7.67
13. The Revenant (2015) 7.60
14. Surrogates (2009) 7.50
15. The Bridge (1959) 7.46
16. Antichrist (2009) 7.33
17. The Son's Room (2001) 7.33
18. The King's Man (2021) 7.33
19. Short Cuts (1993) 7.33
20. Monster's Ball (2001) 7.25
21. Cold Pursuit (2019) 7.25
22. Road to Perdition (2002) 7.15
23. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) 7.11
24. Apocalypto (2006) 7.10
25. WarGames (1983) 7.07

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