Mark Harelik


Editer Aide


12 depuis 1990
1951-06-05 (73 ans)
Lieu de naissance:
Hamilton, Texas, USA
Editer Aide

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37 films depuis 1990


2022 - The Rookie : Le flic de Los Angeles > Season 4 > Backstabbers (William Bloomfield)
2019 - Preacher > Season 4 > End of the World (God)
- Preacher > Season 4 > Overture (God)
- Preacher > Season 4 > Fear of the Lord (God)
- Preacher > Season 4 > Messiahs (God)
- Preacher > Season 4 > The Lost Apostle (God)
- Preacher > Season 4 > Search and Rescue (God)
- Preacher > Season 4 > Deviant (God)
- Preacher > Season 4 > Last Supper (God)
- Preacher > Season 4 > Masada (God)
2018 - Preacher > Season 3 > The Light Above (God)
- Preacher > Season 3 > The Coffin (God)
- Preacher > Season 3 > Gonna Hurt (God)
- Imposteurs > Season 2 > La Recrue (Arthur Bloom)
- Imposteurs > Season 2 > Andiamo (Arthur Bloom)
- Imposteurs > Season 2 > Mensonge ou vérité ? (Arthur Bloom)
2017 - Battle of the Sexes (Hank Greenberg)
- Preacher > Season 2 > Viktor (Mark Harelik)
- Imposteurs > Season 1 > Football, banane, Tour Eiffel (Arthur Bloom)
- Imposteurs > Season 1 > Ma soi-disant femme (Arthur Bloom)
2016 - Preacher > Season 1 > Call and Response (God)
2015 - Dalton Trumbo (Edward 'Ed' Muhl)
2014 - Perception > Season 3 > Silence (Dr. Chandler)
- Mentalist > Season 6 > Le Foragers Club (Kenyon Russell)
2013 - 42 (Herb Pennock)
2011 - Castle > Season 4 > Démons (Pete Benton)
- The Good Wife > Season 2 > Great Firewall (Paul Houghton)
2010 - Breaking Bad > Season 3 > Kafkaesque (Doctor)
- Deadly Honeymoon (Ship Captain)
2008 - The Big Bang Theory > Season 2 > L'équivalence du griffon (Dr. Eric Gablehauser)
- The Big Bang Theory > Season 2 > La sublimation barbare (Dr. Eric Gablehauser)
- The Big Bang Theory > Season 1 > La dualité de Jérusalem (Dr. Eric Gablehauser)
2006 - Bones > Season 1 > Os trouble (Dr. Peter Ogden)
- Grey's Anatomy > Season 2 > Le Karma (Keith Polace)
2001 - Jurassic Park 3 (Ben Hildebrand)
1993 - Cheers > Season 11 > One for the Road: Part 2 (Reed Manchester)
1990 - Galacticop (Detective Kaminsky)