Anthony Warde


12 Filme seit 1939


1977 - Buck Rogers (Killer Kane)
1966 - Sakima and the Masked Marvel (Killer Mace)
1965 - Destination Saturn (Killer Kane)
1964 - Die Unersättlichen (Moroni)
1948 - Congo Bill (Rogan)
1945 - The Purple Monster Strikes > Staffel 1 > The Evil Eye (Tony)
1943 - The Masked Marvel (Killer Mace)
- Captive Wild Woman (Tony)
- Batman und Robin > The Bat's Cave (Stone)
- Batman und Robin > The Mark of the Zombies (Stone)
- Batman und Robin > Slaves of the Rising Sun (Stone)
1939 - Buck Rogers > Staffel 1 (Killer Kane)