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Top movies

1. 10.00
2. 8.67
3. 8.00
4. My Uncle (1958) 8.00
5. Thank You for Smoking (2005) 8.00
6. The American Dream (2010) 8.00
7. Little Big Man (1970) 7.80
8. The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996) 7.80
9. The Big Lebowski (1998) 7.69
10. Deliver Us from Evil (2009) 7.67
11. The Rules of the Game (1939) 7.67
12. The Wing or the Thigh (1976) 7.67
13. Schtonk! (1992) 7.60
14. Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979) 7.58
15. Carnage (2011) 7.56
16. 殺し屋 (2002) 7.50
17. And Now for Something Completely Different (1971) 7.50
18. Italian for Beginners (2000) 7.50
19. Bonsoir (1994) 7.50
20. Playtime (1967) 7.50
21. Lord of War (2005) 7.48
22. The Player (1992) 7.40
23. Sunset Boulevard (1950) 7.29
24. The War of the Roses (1989) 7.14
25. RoboCop (1987) 7.00

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