
Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2023-09-22 11:07alias Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Jo (contribs)2021-09-13 19:13Country United States of America
Language English
Jo (contribs)2017-03-22 23:07changed external link to–_Total_Verhext!
Jo (contribs)2013-12-03 23:55Category Cult Movie
uzi (contribs)2013-12-02 06:53release date set to 2001-05-18
Anonymous ZLsY3c+tyzt UQtd7XrL/tA2013-02-15 23:58release date set to 2000-05-05
eeggee69 (contribs)2011-01-03 21:41release date set to 1999-09-24
guggenheim (contribs)2010-05-06 14:12Category Family Secrets
Category Secret
Category Birthday
Category Complications
deleted category
Category Fun
2010-05-06 14:11Category Joke
Category Puss
Category Speaking Animals
Category Puberty
Category Becoming an Adult
Category Teenager
Category Witchcraft
Category Witch
Category Magic Book
Category Magical powers
Category Magic
2010-05-06 14:10Category Funny
Category Feel-good
Category Offbeat
Category Sitcom
Category Cult Movie
Category Family Film
Category Teen Film
Category Film Produced For TV
deleted category
2010-05-06 14:09Category Teen Comedy Film
2010-05-06 13:59created Sabrina, the Teenage Witch