
Bibi Blocksberg


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Jo (contribs)2022-06-25 12:02Country United Kingdom
Language German
Systemchanged external link to
Jo (contribs)changed external link from to
System2021-01-22 21:41changed external link to TVNOW
2020-12-01 19:13changed external link to empty
2020-06-09 09:37changed external link to empty
Jo (contribs)2018-01-12 00:32Category Children's Film
Category Comedy
Category Adventure
2018-01-11 23:13changed external link to
ThomasClive (contribs)2010-10-06 14:20Category Germany
Category 1990s
2010-10-06 14:19Category Present
Category 1990s
Category Touching
Category Funny
bjoernlsa (contribs)2010-09-29 08:58release date set to 2009-10-18
2010-09-29 08:56release date set to 1997-12-22
JoanaSt (contribs)2010-09-09 14:50release date set to 2009-10-18
2010-09-09 14:46release date set to 1997-12-22
2010-09-09 14:44Category Pranks
Category Legerdemain
Category Magic Door
Category School of Witchcraft
Category Magic Wand
Category Wizard
Category Magic Book
Category Enchantment
Category Wizardry
Category Magic
Category Family
Category Magic Broomstick
Category Witchcraft
Category Witch
2010-09-09 14:42Country United Kingdom
Country Germany
Country United Kingdom
Country Germany
2010-09-09 14:41created Bibi Blocksberg