

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2020-06-10 10:35changed external link to empty
2019-01-19 04:50changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2018-12-15 22:23Ricky Jay as Actor
Rebecca Pidgeon as Actor
Jo (contribs)2016-01-15 22:22alias The Heist
changed name from The Heist to Heist
changed external link to–_Der_letzte_Coup
ElmanSmithee (contribs)2010-08-18 11:14Category Smart
Category Suspenseful
Category Serious
2010-08-18 11:12Category Disguise
2010-08-18 11:11Category Sentry
Category Security Guard
Category 2000s
Category Airplane
2010-08-18 11:10Category Sailboat
Category Montreal
Category Hold-Up Robbery
nina (contribs)2008-06-22 22:57Category Hollywood Film
Category Conspiracy Thriller
Category Caper Movie
2008-06-22 22:56Category Theft
Category Thief
Category Receiving Stolen Goods
Category Lover
Category Affair
Category Cuckold
Category Bribe
Category Cheating
Category Camera
Category Blackmail
2008-06-22 22:20changed Runtime from 0 to 109
release date set to 2002-05-17
Language English
Country United States of America
2008-06-22 22:19Andrew Stevens as Producer
2008-06-22 22:18Robert Elswit as Director of Photography
unknown cast change
unknown cast change
2008-06-22 22:17David Mamet as Screenplay