She's the One


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2019-01-15 21:47changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2017-09-09 11:36changed external link to
nina (contribs)2008-07-03 22:37Category Chick Flick
Category Hollywood Film
Category Romantic Comedy
2008-07-03 22:36Category Brother Brother Relationship
Category Bride
Category Wedding
Category Love of One's Life
Category Ex-Girlfriend
Category Broker
Category Taxi
2008-07-03 22:35Category Love Mess
2008-07-03 21:32changed Runtime from 0 to 96
release date set to 1996-08-26
Language English
Country United States of America
2008-07-03 21:31Frank Prinzi as Director of Photography
unknown cast change
2008-07-03 21:30unknown cast change
Frank Prinzi as Director of Photography
Edward Burns as Screenplay
2008-07-03 21:29Edward Burns as Producer
Ted Hope as Producer
2008-07-03 21:28Edward Burns as Director
Jennifer Aniston as Actor
Cameron Diaz as Actor
2008-07-03 21:27Mike McGlone as Actor
Edward Burns as Actor
Anonymous 6c4Lo7QWZzL oUcL3UFnu8A2008-07-02 19:40created article She's the One
no comment entered
nina (contribs)2008-07-02 19:20created She's the One