

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Jo (contribs)2020-07-10 10:44Category Girls' Boarding School
Category Series of Murders
System2020-07-10 10:42Franco Fraticelli as Editor
changed Budget to 3800000
Jo (contribs)changed external link to
Anonymous 3QPKm+Oe80s VXq9p5Ym8Jw2011-09-26 08:20Category Slasher Film
Category Horror
Anonymous +vLQsWiTMJ9 UnYYJYBo1bA2011-09-25 16:15Michele Soavi as Actor
2011-09-25 16:14Fiore Argento as Actor
Donald Pleasence as Actor
Dalila di Lazzaro as Actor
2011-09-25 16:13Patrick Bauchau as Actor
Daria Nicolodi as Actor
Jennifer Connelly as Actor
2011-09-25 16:12Dario Argento as Screenplay
Dario Argento as Director
changed Runtime from 0 to 116
release date set to 1985-01-31
Language Italian
Country Italy
changed name from d to Phenomena
Anonymous yN3T8spEKVJ DTX5TQLX8eA2011-09-25 14:29created Phenomena