Sterling Hayden

Actor, Shown person

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0 since 1949
Place of Birth:
Upper Montclair, New Jersey, USA
Day of Death:
1986-05-23 (aged 70)
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Selected Movies

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Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
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37 movies since 1949


1981 - Venom (Howard Anderson)
1980 - Nine to Five (Russell Tinsworthy)
1979 - Winter Kills (Z.K. Dawson)
1978 - King of the Gypsies (King Zharko Stepanowicz)
- 1900 (Leo Dalco)
1976 - Cipolla Colt (Henry 'Jack' Pullitzer)
1973 - The Long Goodbye (Roger Wade)
- The Final Programme (Maj. Wrongway Lindbergh)
1972 - The Godfather (Capt. Mark McCluskey)
1971 - Angel's Leap (Mason)
1970 - Loving (Lepridon)
1964 - Carol for Another Christmas (Daniel Grudge)
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Brigade General Jack D. Ripper)
1958 - Terror in a Texas Town (George Hansen)
1957 - Zero Hour! (Captain Martin Treleaven)
- Valerie (John Garth)
- The Iron Sheriff (Sam Galt)
- Crime of Passion (Lt. William Doyle)
1956 - The Killing (Johnny Clay)
1955 - The Last Command (Jim Bowie)
- Timberjack (Tim Chipman)
- Top Gun (Rick Martin)
- Battle Taxi (Capt. Russ Edwards)
1954 - Naked Alibi (Chief Joe Conroy)
- Suddenly (Sheriff Tod Shaw)
- Johnny Guitar (Johnny 'Guitar' Logan)
- Arrow in the Dust (Laish)
- Prince Valiant (Sir Gawain)
- Crime Wave (Det. Lt. Sims)
1953 - So Big (Pervus De Jong)
- Kansas Pacific (Captain John Nelson)
1952 - The Star (Jim Johannsen)
- Flat Top (Dan Collier)
- The Golden Hawk (Kit 'The Hawk' Gerardo)
- Denver and Rio Grande (McCabe)
1950 - The Asphalt Jungle (Dix Handley)
1949 - El Paso (Bert Donner)
1 movie since 1983

Shown person

1983 - Leuchtturm des Chaos