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Season 3

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1961 - The Twilight Zone > Two
- The Twilight Zone > The Arrival
- The Twilight Zone > The Shelter
- The Twilight Zone > The Passersby
- The Twilight Zone > A Game of Pool
- The Twilight Zone > The Mirror
- The Twilight Zone > The Grave
- The Twilight Zone > It's a Good Life
- The Twilight Zone > Deaths-Head Revisited
- The Twilight Zone > The Midnight Sun
- The Twilight Zone > Still Valley
- The Twilight Zone > The Jungle
- The Twilight Zone > Once Upon a Time
- The Twilight Zone > Five Characters in Search of an Exit
- The Twilight Zone > A Quality of Mercy
1962 - The Twilight Zone > Nothing in the Dark
- The Twilight Zone > One More Pallbearer
- The Twilight Zone > Dead Man's Shoes
- The Twilight Zone > The Hunt
- The Twilight Zone > Showdown with Rance McGrew
- The Twilight Zone > Kick the Can
- The Twilight Zone > A Piano in the House
- The Twilight Zone > The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank
- The Twilight Zone > To Serve Man
- The Twilight Zone > The Fugitive
- The Twilight Zone > Little Girl Lost
- The Twilight Zone > Person or Persons Unknown
- The Twilight Zone > The Little People
- The Twilight Zone > Four O'Clock
- The Twilight Zone > Hocus-Pocus and Frisby
- The Twilight Zone > The Trade-Ins
- The Twilight Zone > The Gift
- The Twilight Zone > The Dummy
- The Twilight Zone > Young Man's Fancy
- The Twilight Zone > I Sing the Body Electric
- The Twilight Zone > Cavender Is Coming
- The Twilight Zone > The Changing of the Guard