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1080 Minutes
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1966 - Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Bubber
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Spinner
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Perilous Paper Doll
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Beamatron
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Burrower
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Timeatron
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Smogula
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Sinister Speck
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Fero, The Fiendish Fiddler
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Puzzler
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Scheming Spraysol
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Scurrilous Sculptor
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Mother Gruesome
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Artful Archer
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Insidious Inflator
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Televisatron
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Dastardly Diamond Dazzler
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Return of the Perilous Paperman
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Diabolical Dauber
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Cronella Critch the Tricky Witch
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Terrible Twister
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Aquator
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Professor Strechtch Bounces Back
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Terrifying Tapper
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Wretched Professor Stretch
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Anxious Angler
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Rasecally Ringmaster
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Devillish Dragster
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Billy the Kidder
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Flendish Dr. Futuro
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Return of the Spinner
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Crafty Clutcher
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Infamous Mr. Instant
1967 - Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > Satanic Surfer
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The Bizarre Battler
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles > The not so nice Mr. Ice