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2011-10-22 21:57Futurama > Lethal Inspectionalias Tödliche Inspektion
2011-10-22 21:56Futurama > The Duh-Vinci Codealias Der Da-Blödi-Code
2011-10-22 21:53Futurama > Proposition InfinityLanguage English
2011-10-22 21:53Futurama > Proposition InfinityCountry United States of America
2011-10-22 21:53Futurama > Proposition Infinityalias Roboter Street Day
2011-10-22 21:49Futurama > Attack of the Killer AppLanguage English
2011-10-22 21:49Futurama > Attack of the Killer AppCountry United States of America
2011-10-22 21:49Futurama > Attack of the Killer Appalias Angriff der Killer App
2011-08-20 09:47The Big Bang Theory > The 21-Second Excitationchanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-08-20 09:47The Big Bang Theory > The 21-Second ExcitationLanguage English
2011-08-20 09:47The Big Bang Theory > The 21-Second ExcitationCountry United States of America
2011-08-20 09:47The Big Bang Theory > The 21-Second Excitationalias 21 Sekunden
2011-08-20 09:37The Big Bang Theory > The Apology InsufficiencyLanguage English
2011-08-20 09:37The Big Bang Theory > The Apology InsufficiencyCountry United States of America
2011-08-20 09:37The Big Bang Theory > The Apology Insufficiencyalias Besuch vom FBI
2011-08-20 09:07The Big Bang Theory > The Irish Pub Formulationchanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-08-20 09:07The Big Bang Theory > The Irish Pub FormulationLanguage English
2011-08-20 09:07The Big Bang Theory > The Irish Pub FormulationCountry United States of America
2011-08-20 09:07The Big Bang Theory > The Irish Pub Formulationalias Finger weg von meiner Schwester
2011-08-20 08:47The Big Bang Theory > The Desperation Emanationchanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-08-20 08:47The Big Bang Theory > The Desperation EmanationLanguage English
2011-08-20 08:47The Big Bang Theory > The Desperation EmanationCountry United States of America
2011-08-20 08:47The Big Bang Theory > The Desperation Emanationalias Der Gestank der Verzweiflung
2011-08-20 08:41The Big Bang Theory > The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplificationchanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-08-20 08:35The Big Bang Theory > The Hot Troll Deviationchanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-08-20 08:35The Big Bang Theory > The Hot Troll DeviationLanguage English
2011-08-20 08:35The Big Bang Theory > The Hot Troll DeviationCountry United States of America
2011-08-20 08:35The Big Bang Theory > The Hot Troll Deviationalias Und jetzt mit Zunge
2011-08-20 08:29The Big Bang Theory > The Zazzy Substitutionchanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-08-20 08:29The Big Bang Theory > The Zazzy Substitutionalias Paradoxe Psychologie
2011-07-23 23:21Futurama > Yo Leela Leelarelease date set to 2011-07-21
2011-07-23 23:20Futurama > Yo Leela Leelachanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-07-23 23:20Futurama > Yo Leela Leelarelease date set to 2011-06-21
2011-07-23 23:20Futurama > Yo Leela LeelaLanguage English
2011-07-23 23:20Futurama > Yo Leela LeelaCountry United States of America
2011-07-23 23:19Futurama > Yo Leela Leelacreated Yo Leela Leela
2011-07-23 23:18Futurama > The Silence of the Clampschanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-07-23 23:18Futurama > The Silence of the Clampsrelease date set to 2011-07-14
2011-07-23 23:18Futurama > The Silence of the ClampsLanguage English
2011-07-23 23:18Futurama > The Silence of the ClampsCountry United States of America
2011-07-23 23:18Futurama > The Silence of the Clampscreated The Silence of the Clamps
2011-07-23 23:17Futurama > Law and Oraclechanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-07-23 23:17Futurama > Law and Oraclerelease date set to 2011-07-07
2011-07-23 23:17Futurama > Law and OracleLanguage English
2011-07-23 23:17Futurama > Law and OracleCountry United States of America
2011-07-23 23:16Futurama > Law and Oraclecreated Law and Oracle
2011-07-23 23:15Futurama > Ghost in the Machineschanged Runtime from 0 to 21
2011-07-23 23:15Futurama > Ghost in the Machinesrelease date set to 2011-06-30
2011-07-23 23:15Futurama > Ghost in the MachinesLanguage English
2011-07-23 23:15Futurama > Ghost in the MachinesCountry United States of America