Quax, der Bruchpilot


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2020-08-14 05:36changed external link to empty
Jo (contribs)2016-12-15 23:07changed external link to,_der_Bruchpilot
AndiArrested (contribs)2008-09-03 11:24Category Flying
deleted category
2008-09-03 11:23Category Gain
Category Liar
Category Pilot
Anonymous fLDg0q6sO3w kXZnMGxw1pw2008-07-14 12:16created article Quax, der Bruchpilot
no comment entered
AndiArrested (contribs)2008-07-14 11:23Category Black And White Film
Category Comedy
changed Runtime from 0 to 92
release date set to 1941-12-16
Language German
Country Germany
2008-07-14 11:22unknown cast change
Heinz von Jaworsky as Director of Photography
2008-07-14 11:21unknown cast change
Robert A. Stemmle as Screenplay
Hermann Grote as Novel
Kurt Hoffmann as Director
2008-07-14 11:20Harry Liedtke as Actor
Lothar Firmans as Actor
Karin Himboldt as Actor
Heinz Rühmann as Actor
2008-07-14 11:18created Quax, der Bruchpilot