Keller - Teenage Wasteland


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2021-07-16 02:28Gergana Voigt as Editor
2020-09-22 01:27Alfio Contini as Director of Photography
2019-01-15 01:24changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2017-08-24 09:55changed external link to
philm_ab (contribs)2011-02-18 13:02Category Italy
Anonymous 2DLQN0Y8Ctq OyxzJ0hYZHQ2010-09-02 08:58Category Sexual Attraction
Category Kidnap victim
Category Hostage Drama
Category 2005
Category Austria
2010-09-02 08:57Category Germany
Category Italy
2010-09-02 08:56Category Suspenseful
Category Offbeat
Category Touching
Anonymous elpE4crKPWp iwgTZ0Qe6Ng2008-09-03 16:57created article Keller - Teenage Wasteland
no comment entered
annasita (contribs)2008-09-03 14:24Category Violence against Women
Category Hostage
Category Kidnapping
Category Supermarket
Category Woman between two Men
deleted category
Category Gay Kiss
Category Homosexual
Category Coming Out
2008-09-03 14:17Category Debut Film
Category Coming Out
Eva Urthaler as Screenplay
2008-09-03 14:16Ana Stefanovic as Actor
Birgit Doll as Actor
Georg Friedrich as Actor
2008-09-03 14:15Sergej Moya as Actor
Ludwig Trepte as Actor
Elisabetta Rocchetti as Actor
Eva Urthaler as Director
Company Prisma Film- und Fernsehproduktion
Company Misami Film
2008-09-03 14:14Company Känguruh Film
changed Runtime from 0 to 92
release date set to 2005-08-01