Barefoot in the Park


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2020-07-20 01:44William A. Lyon as Editor
2019-01-19 05:03changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2016-08-14 17:23changed external link toß_im_Park
PhilUK (contribs)2010-10-18 11:18Category Funny
Category Feel-good
adriana (contribs)2010-08-25 10:41Category Honeymoon
2010-08-25 10:37Category Living Together
Category Romantic
2010-08-25 10:36Category Newlyweds
2010-08-25 10:34Category Neighbour
Category Apartment
Category New York City
2010-08-25 10:32Category Falling in Love
Category Lawyer
2010-08-25 10:31Category 1960s
Category United States of America
Category Relationship Problems
2010-08-25 10:30Category Man-Woman-Relationship
Category Married Couple
Category Romantic
Category Romantic Comedy
Category Romance Film
2010-08-25 10:29Ted Hartley as Actor
Mabel Albertson as Actor
Herb Edelman as Actor
Mildred Natwick as Actor
2010-08-25 10:28Charles Boyer as Actor
Jane Fonda as Actor
Robert Redford as Actor
2010-08-25 10:27Joseph LaShelle as Director of Photography
Hal B. Wallis as Producer
Neil Simon as Screenplay
Gene Saks as Director
2010-08-25 10:26changed Runtime from 0 to 106
release date set to 1967-05-25
Language English
Country United States of America
Company Paramount Pictures
2010-08-25 10:24created Barefoot in the Park