

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

uzi (contribs)2022-06-12 13:04Category Horror
Category Action
Category Werewolve-Movie
2022-06-12 13:00Category 2009
2022-06-12 12:51Category Werewolf
Category Verwandlung
2022-06-12 12:17Category Bite
Category Attack by monsters
2022-06-12 11:46Category Great Britain
2022-06-12 11:30release date set to 2010-08-28
Jo (contribs)2020-08-07 09:55alias 13 Hrs
changed external link to
Leighton (contribs)2012-01-27 01:56Adrian Murray as Editor
Jordan Cushing as Director of Photography
2012-01-27 01:55Romain Schroeder as Producer
Tom Reeve as Producer
Nicholas Napier-Bell as Producer
Duncan Napier-Bell as Producer
2012-01-27 01:54Adam Phillips as Author
Jonathan Glendening as Director
Simon MacCorkindale as Actor
2012-01-27 01:53Cornelius Clarke as Actor
John Lynch as Actor
Sue Scadding as Actor
2012-01-27 01:52Antony De Liseo as Actor
Allan Peter Gadiot as Actor
Gabriel Thomson as Actor
2012-01-27 01:51Joshua Bowman as Actor
Gemma Atkinson as Actor
2012-01-27 01:50Tom Felton as Actor
Isabella Calthorpe as Actor
2012-01-27 01:49changed Runtime from 0 to 82
release date set to 2009-11-30
Language English
Country United Kingdom
2012-01-27 01:48Category Action
Category Horror
2012-01-27 01:44created 13Hrs