Cindy Cheung


22 movies since 2004


2022 - Bull > Season 6 > Opening Up (Wendy Anderson)
2021 - The Sinner > Season 4 (Stephanie Lam)
2020 - FBI > Season 3 > Never Trust a Stranger (NYPD Rep Ann)
- Blindspot > Season 5 > And My Axe! (Dr. Coleman)
- Blindspot > Season 5 > Existential Ennui (Dr. Coleman)
- FBI > Season 2 > Legacy (NYPD Rep Ann)
2019 - FBI > Season 2 > American Idol (Ann (NYPD Rep))
- FBI > Season 2 > Little Egypt (NYPD Rep)
- New Amsterdam > Season 1 > Five Miles West (Judge Hayashi)
- New Amsterdam > Season 1 > Croaklahoma (Judge Hayashi)
2018 - Blue Bloods > Season 9 > Authority Figures (Judge Andros)
- New Amsterdam > Season 1 > Rituals (Judge Hayashi)
2017 - Bull > Season 1 > Teacher's Pet (Wendy Anderson)
2016 - Elementary > Season 4 > Murder Ex Machina (Cindy Park)
2015 - Mistress America (Karen)
- Blue Bloods > Season 5 > Home Sweet Home (Judge Andros)
2014 - Blue Bloods > Season 5 > Most Wanted (Judge)
2013 - Homeland > Season 3 > A Red Wheelbarrow (OB / GYN)
- Blue Bloods > Season 4 > To Protect and Serve (Judge Andros)
2010 - White Collar > Season 1 > Vital Signs (Registered Nurse)
2006 - Lady in the Water (Young-Soon Choi)
2004 - Spider-Man 2 (Chinese Daughter)