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Top movies

1. 9.25
2. 8.60
3. 8.33
4. The Lives of Others (2006) 8.11
5. The Million Dollar Hotel (2000) 8.00
6. The Book Thief (2013) 8.00
7. The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008) 8.00
8. An Angel at My Table (1991) 7.75
9. Donnie Darko (2001) 7.73
10. The Big Sleep (1946) 7.65
11. A Hard Day's Night (1964) 7.50
12. The Hedgehog (2009) 7.50
13. Stranger Than Fiction (2006) 7.50
14. World War Z (2013) 7.43
15. Reprise (2006) 7.40
16. Fahrenheit 451 (1966) 7.38
17. The Help (2011) 7.33
18. Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) 7.33
19. Vampyr (1932) 7.33
20. Rope (1948) 7.30
21. Rossini (1997) 7.20
22. Solaris (1972) 7.17
23. The Russia House (1990) 7.00
24. My Afternoons with Margueritte (2010) 7.00
25. Army of Darkness (1992) 6.92

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