
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Jo (contribs)2015-10-15 15:29changed external link to http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0480046/
release date set to
Jo (contribs)2013-12-02 01:09release date set to 2015-01-01
Jo (contribs)2013-05-24 10:54changed Status from In Production to Planned
release date set to 2014-01-01
Anonymous rHsazHlMTMh Rwhw5WE+aEQ2009-10-09 14:42created article The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
no comment entered
annasita (contribs)Category 19th Century
Category Theodore Roosevelt
2009-10-09 14:41Category Suspenseful
Category Feel-good
Category Exciting
Category Adventure
Category Biopic
2009-10-09 14:40release date set to 2011-01-01
Language English
Country United States of America
changed Status from Released to In Production
2009-10-09 14:39Edmund Morris as Novel
Nicholas Meyer as Screenplay
Leonardo DiCaprio as Actor
2009-10-09 14:38unknown cast change
created The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt