Truck Turner


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2023-07-17 04:25changed external link to
2022-03-17 02:55Charles F. Wheeler as Director of Photography
2022-02-17 12:22Michael Kahn as Editor
Jo (contribs)changed external link to
Vincent_Vega (contribs)2009-11-06 16:49Category Thriller
Category Crime
Category Action
Anonymous cT4HB4iFNZ+ 7EGbFd0+00Acreated article Truck Turner
no comment entered
Vincent_Vega (contribs)2009-11-06 16:48Category Blaxploitation
Category Murder
Category Prostitution
Category Organized Crime
Category Retaliation
2009-11-06 16:47Category Bounty Hunter
changed Runtime from 0 to 91
release date set to 1974-04-19
Language English
Country United States of America
Company American International Pictures
2009-11-06 16:46Oscar Williams as Author
Jerry Wilkes as Story
2009-11-06 16:45Leigh Chapman as Author
Michael Allin as Author
Jonathan Kaplan as Director
2009-11-06 16:44Paul Harris Boardman as Actor
Sam Laws as Actor
Nichelle Nichols as Actor
Annazette Chase as Actor
Alan Weeks as Actor
2009-11-06 16:43Yaphet Kotto as Actor
Isaac Hayes as Actor
created Truck Turner