Get Out Your Handkerchiefs

Préparez vos mouchoirs

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2017-01-29 00:04alias Get Out Your Handkerchiefs
Jo (contribs)changed external link to
effenberg (contribs)2010-11-28 22:59Category School Trip
Category Kidnapping
Category Mozart
Category Bare Breasts
2010-11-28 22:58Category Depression
Category Woman between two Men
Category Sex with Underaged
Category France
Category Bisexuality
Anonymous rql3RpqRyx/ +K1JRS4pUzg2010-11-28 22:57Category Funny
Category Offbeat
Category Academy Award - Winner
Anonymous dGu/6UA3dJu 3bmWmYeONyg2007-10-06 22:53Category Bisexuality
annasita (contribs)2007-09-26 13:42Category 1970s
Category Marital Relationship
Category Knitting
2007-09-26 13:41Category Classical Music
2007-09-26 13:39Company SODEP
Company Les Films Ariane S.A.
Company CAPAC
Company Belga Films
Jean-Pierre Ruh as Sound Engineer
2007-09-26 13:38Claudine Merlin as Editor
Alexandre Mnouchkine as Producer
Georges Dancigers as Producer
Paul Claudon as Producer
2007-09-26 13:37Liliane Rovère as Actor
Michel Beaune as Actor
Anonymous bLybodKuMzS Y7zBwRkvs0Q2007-09-22 10:20created article Préparez vos mouchoirs
no comment entered
Gugu (contribs)2007-09-22 10:04Category Romantic Comedy
Category Erotic Comedy Film
Category Comedy
2007-09-22 09:55Sylvie Joly as Actor
Riton Liebman as Actor
2007-09-22 09:54Jean Rougerie as Actor
Eléonore Hirt as Actor
Michel Serrault as Actor
2007-09-22 09:53Carole Laure as Actor