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Abbott and Costello Go to Mars


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2022-10-29 17:18changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2020-08-16 20:19changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2019-07-18 23:22changed parent_id to 120881
guggenheim (contribs)2012-02-23 13:24Category Beauty
Category Beautiful Woman
Category New Orleans
deleted category
Category Venus
Category Escape
Category Bank Robber
Category Mistake
Category Rocket
2012-02-23 13:23Category Mardi Gras
2012-02-23 13:21Jean Willes as Actor
Joe Kirk as Actor
2012-02-23 13:20Jack Kruschen as Actor
Horace McMahon as Actor
Robert Paige as Actor
Martha Hyer as Actor
Anita Ekberg as Actor
2012-02-23 13:19Mari Blanchard as Actor
Lou Costello as Actor
Bud Abbott as Actor
Clifford Stine as Director of Photography
Howard Christie as Producer
2012-02-23 13:18D.D. Beauchamp as Author
Howard Christie as Story
2012-02-23 13:17John Grant as Screenplay
Charles Lamont as Director
changed Runtime from 0 to 79
release date set to 1953-04-06
Language English
Country United States of America
Category Science Fiction
Category Fantasy
2012-02-23 13:16Category Funny
Category Black And White Film
Category Comedy
created Abbott and Costello Go to Mars