La bataille de Solférino


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2024-06-06 01:12Tom Harari as Director of Photography
2019-01-16 16:02changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2015-10-31 14:43changed trailer to
Jo (contribs)2015-09-08 10:47alias Age of Panic
2015-09-08 10:46Category President Elections
Category Overtax
Category Babysitter
Category Ex-Husband
2015-09-08 10:42Category Comedy
Category Drama
Marc-Antoine Vaugeois as Actor
Virgil Vernier as Actor
Arthur Harari as Actor
Vincent Macaigne as Actor
2015-09-08 10:41Laetitia Dosch as Actor
changed external link to
Justine Triet as Screenplay
Justine Triet as Director
Country France
Language French
changed Runtime from 0 to 94
release date set to 2013-05-20
2015-09-08 10:40created La bataille de Solférino