
2024-07-05 09:03Dragon Ball Z Kai > Welcome Back, Goku! Confessions of the Mysterious Youth, Trunks!changed article おかえり孫悟空! 謎の少年トランクスの告白 (view diff)
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2024-07-05 09:03Dragon Ball Z Kai > I Will Defeat Frieza! Another Super Saiyan!changed article フリーザはボクが倒す! もう一人の超サイヤ人 (view diff)
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2024-07-05 09:03Dragon Ball Z Kai > There Is Planet Earth, Father! Frieza and King Cold Strike Back!changed article あれが地球だよパパ... フリーザ親子の逆襲 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:57Dragon Ball Z KaiLanguage Japanese
2024-07-03 22:57Dragon Ball Z Kaialias Dragon Ball Z Kai
2024-07-03 22:57Dragon Ball Z KaiCompany Fuji Television Network
2024-07-03 22:31Dragon Ball Z Kai > Goku Vanishes Into Space! Welcome Home, Super Warriors!changed article 宇宙に消えた悟空... 甦れ! 超戦士たち (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:31Dragon Ball Z Kai > Goku's Final Attack! Countdown to Planet Namek's Destruction!changed article 孫悟空、最後の一撃... ナメック星宇宙に散る (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:31Dragon Ball Z Kai > Duel on a Vanishing Planet! The Final Showdown!changed article 消えゆく星に残った2人! これが最終決戦だ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:31Dragon Ball Z Kai > Goku's Furious Roar! A Last-Minute Wish!changed article 悟空激怒の雄叫び! 間に合え…起死回生の願い! (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:30Dragon Ball Z Kai > Full Power Frieza! Shenron, Grant Our Wish!changed article フリーザ決死のフルパワー! 願いを届けてくれ神龍 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:30Dragon Ball Z Kai > Avenge the Fallen, Goku! Countdown to the Planet's Destruction!changed article 仇を討て孫悟空! 惑星崩壊のカウントダウン (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:30Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Angry Super Saiyan! Goku Throws Down the Gauntlet!changed article 怒れる超サイヤ人! 名乗りを上げろ孫悟空! (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:30Dragon Ball Z Kai > Awaken, Legendary Warrior! Goku the Super Saiyan!changed article 目覚めろ伝説の戦士... 超サイヤ人、孫悟空! (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:30Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Final Trump Card! Goku's Ultimate Spirit Bomb!changed article これが最後の切り札だ! 悟空の特大元気玉 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:29Dragon Ball Z Kai > Kaio-Ken Times Twenty! An All-Or-Nothing Kamehame-Ha!changed article 20倍界王拳だ! すべてを賭けたかめはめ波 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:29Dragon Ball Z Kai > A Boundary-Pushing Brawl! Goku, Frieza, and Ginyu Again?!changed article 限界突破の肉弾戦! 悟空とフリーザとギニュー再び!? (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:29Dragon Ball Z Kai > Goku vs. Frieza! The Super Showdown Begins!changed article 孫悟空VSフリーザ! 超決戦の幕開けだ! (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:29Dragon Ball Z Kai > Defeat Frieza, Goku! The Tears of the Proud Saiyan Prince!changed article リーザを倒せ孫悟空! 誇り高きベジータの涙 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:28Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Moment of Truth Approaches! Goku Back in Action!changed article 待ちに待ったぜこの瞬間! 孫悟空が復活だ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:28Dragon Ball Z Kai > Frieza's Final Transformation! The Ultimate Nightmare Begins!changed article フリーザ最後の超変身! 地獄以上の恐怖がはじまる (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:28Dragon Ball Z Kai > Piccolo Reborn! Frieza's Second Transformation!changed article 新生ピッコロあらわる! 激怒フリーザ第2の変身 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:28Dragon Ball Z Kai > Frieza Bares His Fangs! Gohan's Overwhelming Attack!changed article 牙をむくフリーザ! 超絶パワーが悟飯を襲う (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:28Dragon Ball Z Kai > A Nightmare Transformation! Frieza's Power Level-One Million?!changed article 悪夢の超変身! 戦闘力100万のフリーザ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:27Dragon Ball Z Kai > Frieza Closes In! Mighty Porunga, Grant Our Wish!changed article 激昂フリーザが迫る! ポルンガよ...願いを叶えたまえ! (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:27Dragon Ball Z Kai > Goku’s Comeback! Call Forth Porunga!changed article 悟空大逆転!? 今こそいでよ超神龍! (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:27Dragon Ball Z Kai > Surprise! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku?!changed article ビックリ! 悟空がギニューでギニューが悟空!? (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:27Dragon Ball Z Kai > Full Power, Goku! Captain Ginyu’s Desperate Attack!changed article フルパワーだ孫悟空! おののくギニューに秘策あり!? (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:27Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Star Player Appears! Ginyu vs. Goku!changed article 真打ち登場!? ギニュー隊長VS孫悟空 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:26Dragon Ball Z Kai > Goku Arrives At Last! Take Down the Ginyu Force!changed article 孫悟空ついに到着! 蹴散らせギニュー特戦隊 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:26Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Nightmare Recoome! Come Out and Play, Vegeta!changed article 地獄のリクーム! 楽しませろよベジータちゃん (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:26Dragon Ball Z Kai > First Up for the Ginyu Force! Guldo’s Time Freeze!changed article 特戦隊の一番手! グルドの呪縛を打ち崩せ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:26Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Countdown to Battle Begins! Enter, The Ginyu Force!changed article 迫る超決戦! ギニュー特戦隊只今参上ッ! (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:26Dragon Ball Z Kai > A Touch-and-Go Situation! Gohan, Protect the Four-Star Ball!changed article 一触即発のピンチ! 悟飯よ四星球を守れ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:25Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Scheme Is Shattered! Vegeta Strikes Back at Zarbon!changed article 砕け散れ陰謀! 逆襲のベジータVSザーボン (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:25Dragon Ball Z Kai > Power Up, Krillin! Frieza's Mounting Apprehension!changed article パワーアップだクリリン! うごめくフリーザの予感 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:25Dragon Ball Z Kai > Friends Reborn! Zarbon's Hideous Transformation!changed article 甦る仲間たち! 美戦士ザーボン悪魔の変身 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:25Dragon Ball Z Kai > Vegeta's Covert Maneuvers! A Tragic Assault on the Namekians!changed article 暗躍のベジータ! ナメック星人を襲う悲劇 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:24Dragon Ball Z Kai > Dodoria's Terrifying Chase! A Truth Revealed to Vegetachanged article 猛追ドドリアの恐怖! ベジータに明かす真実 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:24Dragon Ball Z Kai > Protect the Dragon Balls! The Namekians' All-Out Attack!changed article 守れドラゴンボール!ナメック星人総攻撃 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:24Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Rebellion Against Frieza! Vegeta's Burning Ambition!changed article フリーザへの反逆! 野望に燃えるベジータ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 22:24Dragon Ball Z Kai > A Powerful New Foe! Frieza, Ruler of the Universe!changed article 新たなる強敵! 宇宙の帝王フリーザ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 12:48Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Ship Resting in Yunzabit! Time to Blast Off for Planet Namek!changed article ユンザビットに眠る宇宙船! ナメック星へいざ発進 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 12:48Dragon Ball Z Kai > Dawn of a Fierce Battle! The Star of Hope is Piccolo's Homeland!changed article 激戦の夜明け…希望の星はピッコロの故郷 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 12:48Dragon Ball Z Kai > "Defeat the Invincible Vegeta! Work a Miracle, Gohan!changed article 打倒不死身のベジータ! 奇跡を起こせ孫悟飯 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 12:47Dragon Ball Z Kai > Goku on the Ropes! Pin Your Hopes on the Spirit Bomb!changed article 絶体絶命の悟空! 元気玉に願いを託せ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 12:47Dragon Ball Z Kai > An All-Out Kamehame-Ha! Vegeta's Terrible Transformation!changed article 激突かめはめ波! ベジータ執念の大変身 (view diff)
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2024-07-03 12:47Dragon Ball Z Kai > The Power of the Kaio-Ken! Goku vs. Vegeta!changed article これが界王拳だ!! 限界バトルの悟空VSベジータ (view diff)
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2024-07-03 12:46Dragon Ball Z Kai > Farewell, Piccolo! Goku's Furious Counterattack!changed article ピッコロが流した涙…孫悟空怒りの大反撃! (view diff)
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2024-07-03 12:46Dragon Ball Z Kai > Will Goku Make it in Time?! Three Hours Until the Battle Resumes!changed article 間に合うか孫悟空!? 戦闘再開まで3時間 (view diff)
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