Crime Comedy

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Top movies

1. 8.20
2. 8.00
3. 8.00
4. The Guard (2011) 8.00
5. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) 7.83
6. The Big Lebowski (1998) 7.69
7. BlacKkKlansman (2018) 7.67
8. The Happytime Murders (2018) 7.67
9. Zootopia (2016) 7.60
10. Fargo (1996) 7.51
11. Winterkartoffelknödel (2014) 7.33
12. Wild Target (2009) 7.20
13. American Hustle (2013) 7.00
14. Knives Out (2019) 7.00
15. The Lady Vanishes (1938) 6.92
16. The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) 6.71
17. The First Great Train Robbery (1979) 6.40
18. Four Against the Bank (2016) 6.33
19. Leberkäsjunkie (2019) 6.33
20. Burn After Reading (2008) 6.29
21. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) 6.12
22. Pineapple Express (2008) 6.11
23. Hollywood Homicide (2003) 6.00
24. Schweinskopf al dente (2016) 6.00
25. Pain & Gain (2013) 5.50

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