American Dream

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Known Movies:
First Movie:
Casablanca (1942)
Highest Rated Movie:
Stroszek (8.00)
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    American Dream
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Top movies

1. 8.00
2. 7.57
3. 7.50
4. The Way We Were (1973) 7.40
5. Nightcrawler (2014) 7.25
6. Casablanca (1942) 7.23
7. An American Tail (1986) 7.20
8. Seabiscuit (2003) 7.00
9. The Namesake (2006) 6.80
10. Ícaro Krautchuk (2007) 6.75
11. Dogville (2003) 6.69
12. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) 6.64
13. Watchmen (2009) 6.62
14. Dallas Doll (1994) 6.62
15. I'm Not There (2007) 6.57
16. 25th Hour (2002) 6.55
17. The Miracle of Bern (2003) 6.50
18. Team America: World Police (2004) 6.22
19. Forget America (2000) 3.25

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