City Park

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Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
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Top movies

1. 8.60
2. 7.80
3. 7.67
4. Gorky Park (1983) 7.33
5. Strangers on a Train (1951) 7.17
6. My Afternoons with Margueritte (2010) 7.00
7. Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005) 6.83
8. Half Nelson (2006) 6.60
9. About a boy (2002) 6.60
10. The Brave One (2007) 6.57
11. Les Amants du Pont-Neuf (1991) 6.56
12. Ghosts (2005) 6.50
13. Reclaim Your Brain (2007) 6.50
14. Belle de Jour (1967) 6.47
15. 1. Mai (2008) 6.40
16. Before Sunrise (1995) 6.36
17. Pool of Princesses (2007) 6.33
18. Lars and the Real Girl (2007) 6.30
19. Bodyguard (2010) 6.00
20. Bodyguard (2011) 3.33

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