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Big City (1937)
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Top movies

1. 8.40
2. 8.13
3. 7.22
4. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) 6.92
5. Blown Away (1994) 6.80
6. The Bourne Supremacy (2004) 6.79
7. Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) 6.75
8. V for Vendetta (2006) 6.73
9. Déjà Vu (2006) 6.58
10. Red Dawn (2012) 6.50
11. In the Name of the Father (1993) 6.50
12. Four Lions (2010) 6.40
13. Munich (2005) 6.40
14. The Kingdom (2007) 6.40
15. The Interpreter (2005) 6.36
16. Vantage Point (2008) 6.29
17. Valkyrie (2008) 6.22
18. Lions for Lambs (2007) 6.17
19. Rush Hour 2 (2001) 6.10
20. Survivor (2015) 6.00
21. Collateral Damage (2002) 5.33
22. Nighthawks (1981) 4.67
23. Mein Führer - Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler (2007) 4.33
24. Police Story 2 (1988) 4.25
25. Baader (2002) 3.00

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