The Art of Negative Thinking

Kunsten å tenke negativt

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2019-01-16 09:57changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2018-01-05 23:27changed trailer to
Jo (contribs)2015-08-17 23:00changed external link to
RobZombie (contribs)2011-02-17 18:52Category Intimate Play
annasita (contribs)2008-11-05 11:49Category Pretended Suicide
Category Suicide Attempt
Category Depression
Category Broken Relationship
Category Norway
Category Norwegian
2008-09-10 12:31Category Debut Film
2008-09-02 10:10Category Pistol
Category Group Therapy
2008-09-02 10:06Category Johnny Cash
Category Joint
2008-09-02 10:05Category Pessimism
Category Wheelchair User
Category Accident
2008-09-02 10:04Category Black Comedy
2008-09-02 10:03Kamilla Krogsveen as Casting
Zaklina Stojevska as Editor
Gaute Gunnari as Director of Photography
Stein Berge Svendsen as Original Music Composer
Dag Alveberg as Producer
2008-09-02 10:02Per Schaaning as Actor
2008-09-02 09:59Kirsti Eline Torhaug as Actor
Kari Simonsen as Actor
2008-09-02 09:58Marian Saastad Ottesen as Actor
Henrik Mestad as Actor
Kjersti Holmen as Actor
Fridtjov Såheim as Actor
alias The Art of Negative Thinking
Bård Breien as Screenplay
2008-09-02 09:56Bård Breien as Director
2008-09-02 09:55changed Runtime from 0 to 79
release date set to 2006-11-03
Language Norwegian
Country Norway
changed name from dfdf to Kunsten å tenke negativt
Company Maipo Film- og TV Produksjon