Bowling for Columbine


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krispijn (contribs)2007-12-11 23:16Category Canada
Category Constitution of the United States of America
Category United States of America
Category National Rifle Association
2007-12-11 23:15Category Shot Dead
Category Shooting
Category Massacre
2007-12-11 23:14Category Homicide
Category Gunman
Category Columbine High School massacre
2007-12-11 23:13created abstract
no comment entered
benjamin (contribs)2007-03-12 23:24Michael Moore as Actor
2007-03-12 11:26Demi Moore as Producer
Demi Moore as Producer
2007-03-12 11:18Category Staged Documentary
dubelmeister (contribs)2007-03-11 03:14Michael Moore as Director
2007-03-11 03:13created article Bowling for Columbine
no comment entered
created Bowling for Columbine