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Die Hard 2


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

uzi (contribs)2017-05-05 12:47Category Shot in Head
2017-05-05 12:33Category Air Controller
2017-05-05 12:30Category Reporter
2017-05-05 12:26Category Finger Prints
2017-05-05 11:50Category Washington D.C.
System2017-04-26 22:41Oliver Wood as Director of Photography
Jo (contribs)2016-10-30 23:25alias Die Hard 2: Die Harder
Jo (contribs)2016-07-02 12:20changed external link to
Anonymous tYT01uVwy51 VKHk1F6YcLg2010-12-02 14:23Category Snow
axel (contribs)2010-08-13 14:28Category Place
Sonse (contribs)2009-07-05 23:39Category Guy Movie
Feininger75 (contribs)2009-06-10 12:24Category Faithlessness
Category Pain
2009-06-10 12:23Category Accident
Category Plane Crash
Category Unscrupulousness
2009-06-10 12:22Category Brutality
Category Human Weakness
Category Panic
2009-06-10 12:21Category Conspiracy
Category Chase
Category Prosecution
2009-06-10 12:20Category Hiding Place
Category Killer
Category Murder
2009-06-10 12:19Category Policeman
Category Caretaker
Category Hostage-taker
Category Hostage-Taking
Category Hostage Drama
Category Hostage
Category Trap
2009-06-10 12:18deleted category
Category US Special Forces
Category Eliteeinheit
Category Soldier
2009-06-10 12:17Category Struggle for Survival
Category Survival
Category Matter of Life and Death
2009-06-10 12:16Category Christmas