Die Halbstarken


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Jo (contribs)2024-04-11 11:50Uschi Reich as Producer
Bernd Eichinger as Producer
2024-04-11 11:49Category Film Produced For TV
Jo (contribs)2022-07-09 21:15changed Runtime from 0 to 95
changed external link to
System2020-09-18 05:47changed external link to empty
effenberg (contribs)2011-02-18 14:11Category Summer
ThomasClive (contribs)2010-08-20 13:24Category Hold-Up Robbery
Category Mansion
Category Bar
2010-08-20 13:23Category Family
Category Girlfriend
Category Murder
2010-08-20 13:22Category Pistol
Category Prosecution
Category Post
2010-08-20 13:21Category Shortage of Money
Category Theft
deleted category
2010-08-20 13:20Category Halbstarker
Category Clique
Category 1950s
Category Cologne
Category Suspenseful
Category Touching
Category Thriller
Category Drama
uzi (contribs)2010-05-03 10:15Robert Schmidt as Actor
Oliver Bröcker as Actor
Florian Fitz as Actor
Boris Aljinovic as Actor
2010-05-03 10:14Johann von Bülow as Actor
Frank Giering as Actor
Roman Knizka as Actor
Sandra Speichert as Actor
2010-05-03 10:13Til Schweiger as Actor
Hans Funck as Editor
unknown cast change
Detlef Petersen as Music
Uwe Wilhelm as Screenplay