Wrestling with shadows


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Anonymous 38fIr49/Iex tJs70IP936Q2010-08-29 10:15Category Sport Film
Paul Jay as Screenplay
2010-08-29 10:14Paul Jay as Director
Manfred Becker as Editor
2010-08-29 10:13Joan Hutton as Director of Photography
2010-08-29 10:12release date set to 1998-12-20
Anonymous Y0cj6tcjhAM 49hgO3rQSDg2010-08-28 23:55unknown cast change
Vince McMahon as Actor
Bret Hart as Actor
2010-08-28 23:54unknown cast change
2010-08-28 23:53deleted category
2010-08-28 23:52Category Wrestling
Category True Story
Category Special Interest
Category Chick Flick
Category Teen Film
Category Guy Movie
Category Documentary
2010-08-28 23:50changed Runtime from 0 to 94
Language English
Country United States of America
2010-08-28 23:49created Wrestling with shadows