African Cats


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2020-06-04 17:30changed external link to empty
2019-01-17 20:42changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2017-07-01 09:34changed external link to
ElmanSmithee (contribs)2012-04-13 13:04Category Struggle for Survival
Category Matter of Life and Death
Category Life and Death
2012-04-13 13:03Category Present
Category Maasai people
Category Animals
2012-04-13 13:02Category Nature reserve
Category National Park
Category Danger
Category Leopard
2012-04-13 13:01Category Maasai people
ElmanSmithee (contribs)2012-04-13 12:57Category Loot
Category Predator
Category Hunt
2012-04-13 12:56Category Cheetah
Category Offspring
Category Lion
Category Africa
2012-04-13 12:55Category Suspenseful
Category Touching
Marie-Krolock (contribs)2012-04-04 11:17John Truby as Screenplay
Keith Scholey as Director
Alastair Fothergill as Director
2012-04-04 11:14Category Documentary
2012-04-04 11:13changed homepage from to
changed Runtime from 0 to 89
release date set to 2011-04-11
Language English
Country United States of America
Company Walt Disney Studios
2012-04-04 11:12created African Cats