Yasujirō Ozu

Director, Screenplay, Idea

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Jo (contribs)2017-06-29 23:04alias Ozu Yasujirō
2017-06-29 23:03changed external link to https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozu_Yasujir%C5%8D
Mimuschka (contribs)2012-09-29 08:36changed deathday to 1963-12-12
changed Birthday to 1903-12-12
changed birthplace from to Fukagawa, Tokio, Japan
changed name from Yasujirō Ozu to Yasujirō Ozu
Anonymous 8fU6+CF6Bgk /SCbmwrHUWw2009-08-13 22:04created article Yasujirō Ozu
no comment entered
BenCiu (contribs)2009-08-13 12:39created Yasujirō Ozu