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The Artist


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

nipi66 (Contribs)2018-11-12 22:20changed Runtime from 0 to 41
uzi (Contribs)2017-05-18 17:24Category Painting
Category Forgery
Category Restaurator
Category Case full of money
2017-05-18 17:23Category Kidnapping
Category Autist
Category Art Theft
Category Toronto
Category Montreal
2017-05-18 17:17Neet Mohan as Actor
2017-05-18 17:16Oliver Dimsdale as Actor
Emma de Caunes as Actor
Sonja Smits as Actor
Darrin Baker as Actor
Melissa O'Neil as Actor
2017-05-18 17:15Arnold Pinnock as Actor
Jake Epstein as Actor
Aaron Ashmore as Actor
Kristen Hager as Actor
Annmarie Morais as Screenplay
Frédéric Forestier as Director
2017-05-18 17:14changed external link to
Jo (Contribs)2017-04-20 11:03release date set to 2017-03-11
created The Artist