
Schafft Wissen Schaft Wissen


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Jo (contribs)2022-06-04 08:23changed series_type from season_based to general
changed Type from MovieSeries to Series
Jo (contribs)2021-11-30 19:45Category Parascientific Documentary
Category Documentary
Steve (contribs)2019-01-18 17:34Category Parascientific Documentary
Category Documentary
Jo (contribs)2018-08-01 09:52Category Parascientific Documentary
Category Scientific Documentary
Steve (contribs)2018-02-23 18:04Country Germany
Language German
changed name from Schafft Wissenschaft Wissen? to Schafft Wissen Schaft Wissen
Company Amazing Discoveries
2018-02-17 17:30Category Creation
Category Evolution
2018-02-17 17:20Category Documentary
Category Scientific Documentary
2018-02-17 17:19Country Germany
Language German
Company Amazing Discoveries
Country Germany
Language German
Country Germany
Language German
Company Amazing Discoveries
2017-11-02 17:47Category Archeology
Category Monkey
Category Zoology
2017-11-02 17:46Category Genetics
Category Ice Age
Category Monster
Category Paleontology
Category Geologie
Category Universe
2017-11-02 17:45Category Documentary
Ronny Schreiber as Actor
Ronny Schreiber as Director
2017-11-02 17:44Country Germany
Language German
changed Runtime from 0 to 265
release date set to 2017-06-01