
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Jo (contribs)2022-05-31 19:33changed Status from Released to In Production
System2021-10-07 07:22changed external link to Sky Ticket
2021-09-21 18:29changed external link to TVNOW
Jo (contribs)2021-09-03 20:19Country United States of America
Language English
System2021-01-22 21:42changed external link to TVNOW
2020-07-22 09:42changed external link to empty
2020-05-26 20:02changed external link to empty
uzi (contribs)2015-10-02 06:04changed external link to
uzi (contribs)2013-11-15 07:12release date set to 2013-05-22
Hel1349 (contribs)2011-03-12 11:32release date set to 2011-02-23
2011-03-12 11:28release date set to 2011-02-02
ratzischmatzi (contribs)2010-04-09 13:44Category TV Show
Category Violence
Category Film Produced For TV
Category Police Film
Category Crime
2010-04-09 13:29Category United States of America
Category Large City
Category New York City
2010-04-09 13:28Category Observer
Category Sexual Abuse
Category Child Abuser
Category Child Abuse
2010-04-09 13:27deleted category
Category Policeman
Category Special Unit
Category Police Station
Category Police Operation
Category Police Everyday Life
Category Handcuffs
Category Manhunt
Category Investigation
Category Shadowing
Category Police
deleted category
Category Police Station
2010-04-09 13:26Category Police Badge
Category Police Radio
Category Crime Fighter