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Der Ehrengast


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Peter (contribs)2007-10-19 19:29Franco Andolfo as Music
2007-10-19 18:51Erwin Neuwirth as Actor
2007-10-19 18:50Manfred Lehmann as Actor
Max Griesser as Actor
Alexander Gittinger as Actor
2007-10-19 18:49Charles Elkins as Actor
2007-10-19 18:48Matthias Bullach as Actor
Pierre Brice as Actor
2007-10-19 18:47Alexander Bouymin as Actor
Kurt Weinzierl as Actor
2007-10-19 18:46Zachi Noy as Actor
Dolly Dollar as Actor
Gerhard Acktun as Actor
2007-10-19 18:45Roy Black as Actor
2007-10-19 18:44Erich Tomek as Screenplay
2007-10-19 18:43Franz Josef Gottlieb as Director
Anonymous uYMlotlRuAX RafbubEPJJQ2007-10-19 08:58created article Der Ehrengast
no comment entered
Peter (contribs)2007-10-19 07:59Category Family Film
Category Film Produced For TV
Category Drama
Category Comedy
2007-10-19 07:58changed Runtime from 0 to 50
release date set to 1990-10-17
Language German
Country Germany
created Der Ehrengast