

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

nipi66 (contribs)2018-11-03 21:57changed external link to
t0by (contribs)2010-10-11 19:10Bill Butler as Other (Camera Department)
Bill Butler as Director of Photography
guggenheim (contribs)2010-09-12 16:40Category Drug Abuse
2010-09-12 16:39Category Drugs
Category Music Industry
Category Music
Category Gituar Player
Category Guitar
Category Death and Dying
2010-09-12 16:38Category Life
Category Alternative Lifestyle
Category Biography
Category Rocker
Category Rock
deleted category
Category Jimi Hendrix
2010-09-12 16:37Category Hommage
Category Film Produced For TV
Category Musicals
Category Drama
Category Biopic
2010-09-12 16:36Tommie Smith as Actor
Michael Nesmith as Actor
2010-09-12 16:35Peter Norman as Actor
2010-09-12 16:34Peter Tork as Actor
Deng Xiaoping as Actor
Mao Zedong as Actor
Malcolm X as Actor
2010-09-12 16:33Ringo Starr as Actor
Elvis Presley as Actor
Diana Ross as Actor
Richard Nixon as Actor
2010-09-12 16:32Yoko Ono as Actor
Charles Manson as Actor
Paul McCartney as Actor
Ethel Kennedy as Actor
2010-09-12 16:31John Lennon as Actor
Martin Luther King Jr. as Actor
Janis Joplin as Actor